Visitor Information
Address: 310 Cayuga Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602
Pleasant Valley Elementary School has approximately 480 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade
Safety expectations for all visitors to PV
Our success stems from our students, teachers, staff, and families working together.
Please help us keep everyone safe at PV!
These expectations are for all visitors. No exceptions will be permitted.
- Help us keep students safe. We do not have staff available to monitor early arrivals. Before 9:00, students must wait outside with a parent or guardian.
- Help us get children home safely. Early dismissals will only be approved for persons with authorized custodial rights. Written excuses for early dismissals must be sent in before the dismissal and should include the date, time, person picking up, and reason for the early dismissal. Early dismissal requests received after 3:00 pm the day of may not be able to be honored.
- Help us prioritize student safety for you. ID is required to enter the school building or to pick up a student. All visitors and parents must first report to the Main Office when entering the building.
- Help us maintain safety. Please make the school aware of any address, custody, or phone number changes as soon as possible.
- Help us stay safe everywhere we go. You must be an AASD School Board-approved volunteer to volunteer at the school or accompany students on a field trip. Please contact the office for more information.
Thank you for keeping our PV family safe
School Gate Guardian
The School Gate Guardian is in every building across the Altoona Area School District. Upon arriving at the Peasant Valley main entrance, please use the intercom to be let into the first set of doors. You will then be directed to scan your driver's license through the red School Gate Guardian security box by our school resource officer. All visitors to the Pleasant Valley building must bring a valid form of photo identification to enter. Once you scan your driver's license, a name badge sticker will print from the machine. Please wear this name badge at all times throughout the building.